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Estonian Diocesan Spokesperson Paas: “It is pure Joy! It is historic moment indeed!”

3. Oktober 2024 in English, keine Lesermeinung
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Marge-Marie Paas on the news of the founding of the Estonian Diocese of Tallinn: “I hope that there will be many new opportunities for us … And I am personally willing to contribute to this work.” kath.net interview by Petra Lorleberg

Tallinn (kath.net/pl) “It is a heavenly gift. And indeed, our little Catholic Church here in Estonia has received much grace and blessing from God. That is the truth. One of the few growing churches in Europe, and we can't fit any more Sundays in the church  - The Cathedral is full of people and new baptism are almost every month!” This is what the diocesan spokesperson for the Diocese of Tallinn/Estonia, Marge-Marie Paas, explains in the KATH.NET interview about the news that Pope Francis has elevated the Apostolic Administration of Estonia to a diocese.

Marge-Marie Paas is the press spokesperson for the future diocese of Tallinn. The philosopher holds a doctorate and she is also the diocesan postulator for the ongoing beatification process of the martyr bishop Eduard Profittlich (+1942 under the Soviet regime).
kath.net: Dr. Paas, you are currently experiencing a truly historic moment in the Catholic Church in Estonia! What is it about?

Dr. Paas: The Holy Father has elevated the Apostolic Administration of Estonia to a diocese, and appointed Bishop Philippe Jourdan as first bishop of Tallinn. We did not expected it. All preparations we done for Jubilee - Apostolic Administration 100 year - now such a news. Yes, we have been asked and this have been a topic since Pope Francis visited Estonia in 2018. but now, just before the jubileum, such a great news. It is pure Joy! It is historic moment indeed!

kath.net: As the press spokesperson for the Catholic Church in Estonia, you are directly involved in the development. When and how did you find out about it yourself?

Dr. Paas: I have been working for 12 years for Apostolic Administration. I have had organized  and I have been responsible for a lots of historic events : Maarjamaa 800 (Terra Mariana) , Pope Francis Apostolic Visit to Tallinn, beatification process, bigger and smaller events what have been taken place in Estonia, and now, such a news it was great.

Of course, there is a spiritual dimension to it, and personally it is very important to me. But in my professional position, I could see already in the first few days that my work now has more of an international focus. It's a responsibility and a pleasure at the same time, but we are under protection of our Lady, because the Queen of Heaven is our patron.

I hope that now that there is a diocese, there will be many special new challenges and opportunities for us in the social, educational, charitable and cultural fields, both in Estonia and abroad.

And I am personally willing to contribute to this work.

Because today's church carries the spirit of mission, it must be open and visible to all who are already friends with Jesus or who are seeking God. At the same time to cooperate other dioceses.

kath.net: Your Apostolic Administrator, Bishop Philippe Jean-Charles Jourdan, is now the founding bishop for the new diocese of Tallinn. How did he react to the news?

Dr. Paas: He was and is happy. It is a heavenly gift. And indeed, our little Catholic Church here in Estonia has received much grace and blessing from God. That is the truth. One of the few growing churches in Europe, and we can't fit any more Sundays in the church – the Cathedral is full of people and new baptism are almost every month!

kath.net: The Catholic Church in Estonia is small but very active; with around 6,000 members, almost everyone knows everyone else - but at the same time you are one of the few European Catholic churches with an upward growth curve. What does this decision by Pope Francis mean for Estonian Catholics?

Dr. Paas: It is a sign from God that we are worthy of him and his beloved children. Joy is very great in the diocese right now!

kath.net: The new Apostolic Nuncio for the Baltic States, Archbishop Georg Gänswein, came by especially. How should we imagine that?

Dr. Paas: We are delighted to have a new Nuncio. There was a break all summer. And now he is waiting to formally give his credentials to the President. We pray for him, Estonian Catholics wish him strength in his office. And are still looking forward to visiting Estonia to be together at Mass in church. And we are grateful that he brought such good news in Rome that we are now a Diocese of Estonia and we have the Bishop of Tallinn. God bless him and his work!

kath.net: You have excellent ecumenical contacts in the diocese. How did the other denominations react to this news?

Dr. Paas: Congratulating our Bishop Philippe Jourdan for this solemn historic moment. We hope to celebrate together in November with the leaders of other Christian denominations.

kath.net: Dr. Paas, you are the diocesan postulator for the beatification process of the martyr bishop Eduard Profittlich (+1942), who was abducted and disappeared during Soviet times. He thus shared the fate of being abducted with a terribly high proportion of his Estonian contemporaries. How far has his beatification process progressed?

Dr. Paas: Yes! It have been long process. And when I started to work in 2017 with "phase diocesana" (diocesian phase). Now all is in Rome (Phase Romana), and it is quite in the end, let us pray that the good news will come soon from Rome! It is important to us - Bishop Eduard Profittlich is an example in faith and an example of christian unity in our Church. We should always keep in our hearts his thoughts and activities, what he did so short time in Estonia in 1930s.

kath.net: Thank you so much!

kath.net background report: Petra Lorleberg - Neues Leben auf den Ruinen der Geschichte – Die katholische Kirche in Lettland und Estland

Fotografies: left: Dr. Paas (c) Paas/ Olev Mihklemaa - right: Apostolic Nuntio Gänswein and Bishop Jourdan in the Cathedral of Tallinn (c) Diocese of Tallinn

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