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  1. Erzbischof Gänswein soll Nuntius in Litauen werden!
  2. Der Münchner Pro-Life-Marsch UND was die deutschen Medien verschweigen
  3. Schweiz: Bischof Bonnemain bei Beerdigung von Bischof Huonder
  4. Kardinal Müller: "Sie sind wie die SA!"
  5. BRAVO! - 6000 Teilnehmer beim Marsch für das Leben in München
  6. Waffen können Frieden schaffen und viele Menschenleben retten!
  7. 'Allahu akbar' - Angriff auf orthodoxen Bischof in Australien - Polizei: Es war ein Terrorakt!
  8. Ablehnung von Fiducia supplicans: Afrikas Bischöfe haben ‚für die ganze Kirche’ gesprochen
  9. Riccardo Wagner wurde katholisch: „Ich wollte nie Christ sein. Ich war Atheist“
  10. „Schwärzester Tag für die Frauen in der deutschen Nachkriegsgeschichte“
  11. Eine kleine Nachbetrachtung zu einer Konferenz in Brüssel
  12. Deutsche Bischofskonferenz nimmt Bericht zur reproduktiven Selbstbestimmung „mit großer Sorge“ wahr
  13. Meloni: Leihmutterschaft ist ,unmenschliche Praxis‘
  14. Mehrheit der Deutschen fürchtet Islamisierung Europas
  15. Polnische Bischofkonferenz ist der Schirmherr des Polnischen „Marsch für das Leben und die Familie“

Sculptor Timothy Schmalz: “Yes, the whole form of the sculpture centers around the baby”

31. Mai 2023 in English, keine Lesermeinung

Famous artist on his prolife Madonna: “Any people put roses in the womb, so much so that every day they have to be taken out so you can see the baby”. kath.net interview by Petra Lorleberg

“My conjoined twins are making an impact on the pro life movement and those who are not pro life”

15. März 2023 in English, keine Lesermeinung

Nicole LeBlanc, faithful Catholic: “Even though they have a life limiting diagnosis, they should not be killed by the hands of their parents”– KATH.NET interview by Petra Lorleberg



  1. Erzbischof Gänswein soll Nuntius in Litauen werden!
  2. Riccardo Wagner wurde katholisch: „Ich wollte nie Christ sein. Ich war Atheist“
  3. 'Allahu akbar' - Angriff auf orthodoxen Bischof in Australien - Polizei: Es war ein Terrorakt!
  4. BRAVO! - 6000 Teilnehmer beim Marsch für das Leben in München
  5. Kardinal Müller: "Sie sind wie die SA!"
  6. 'Politische Einseitigkeit ist dem Gebetshaus fremd'
  7. Heiligenkreuz: Gänswein und Koch für Wiederentdeckung des Priestertums
  8. Der Münchner Pro-Life-Marsch UND was die deutschen Medien verschweigen
  9. Schweiz: Bischof Bonnemain bei Beerdigung von Bischof Huonder
  10. „Schwärzester Tag für die Frauen in der deutschen Nachkriegsgeschichte“
  11. Der Teufel sitzt im Detail
  12. Eine kleine Nachbetrachtung zu einer Konferenz in Brüssel
  13. Ablehnung von Fiducia supplicans: Afrikas Bischöfe haben ‚für die ganze Kirche’ gesprochen
  14. Vielleicht hilft es Ihnen, wenn Sie ,The Baxters‘ sehen‘
  15. Frankreich: „Inzwischen bedeutet Katholizismus, seinen Glauben erklären zu können“

"Why being a Christian?"

16. Juni 2022 in English, 1 Lesermeinung

"By inner-worldly reasoning, the truth of revealed faith can neither be proven nor disproven. The Church knows that we are lost without the gospel of Christ." Homily of H.E. Cardinal Gerhard L. Müller in Oxford/Oriel College

kath.net launches „Europe prays“

6. Jänner 2022 in English, 1 Lesermeinung

Christians gather in public to pray for an end of the Covid-pandemic, for freedom, for an end of the prevailing polarization and for a conversion of hearts - with the support of Cardinal Mueller, Bishop Eleganti, Dean Steinwender, Peter Hahne

Initiative Dubium and Maria 1.0: “Quo Vadis” Bishop Georg Bätzing?

22. September 2021 in English, keine Lesermeinung

Both the papal letter of June 29th, 2019, Letter to the pilgrim people of God in Germany and the greeting by nuncio Eterović for the autumn plenary assembly are deliberately being ignored by Bishop Bätzing, chairman of the German Bishops’ Conference.

„It seems to me that a focal point was John Paul II´s reverence for the Eucharist“

23. Oktober 2020 in English, keine Lesermeinung

President of the Polish Episcopate, Archbishop Gądecki: „Without Pope John Paul II´s personal holiness, his teaching would not have been so powerful and would not have touched the depths of human hearts"

Ratzinger Circle of Alumni Speaks for Celibacy of Priests

28. September 2019 in English, keine Lesermeinung

„In these times of crisis and a painful cleansing of the church it is not first and foremost structural reforms that will bring healing and relief, but an authentically lived life of faith.“

"Cui bono? What kind of 'ruse of the idea' is behind the whole thing?"

4. September 2019 in English, keine Lesermeinung

“I, together with many colleagues, follow with shock, deep dismay, and sadness the decisions that have been implemented in an “cloak-and-dagger operation” - Public Statement Concerning the Pope John Paul II Institute – By Norbert Martin

The Reorientation of the John Paul II Institute

Open letter to Msgr. Pierangelo Sequeri, President of the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for marriage and family. By Berthold Wald

"My paternal friend Cardinal Tauran"

"This modest, friendly, but also well versed and well-read theologian and canon law expert is a deeply personal human being." - Cardinal Tauran died aged 75 on 5 July 2018 - A guest commentary by Prof. Thomas Schirrmacher

Pro-life woman Bissonnette: "I was very shocked by the incident"

Marie-Claire Bissonnette in kath.net interview: "Millions have seen the video and are hopefully realizing that the pro-life position is at least deserving of respect; that there is a 'too far' for the Left." By Petra Lorleberg

„It is scandalous!”

„It is scandalous, that presently in Germany asylum is denied to nearly all converts from Islam to the Christian faith“. A guest commentary by Prof. Thomas Schirrmacher

“The red in Cardinal Zen’s clothing stands for the blood of martyrs”

Stephanus Prize 2018: “It is a special honour to wear this colour, not because it represents power but because it displays service.” Laudatio in Honour of Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-kiun by Prof. Thomas Schirrmacher

'Christianity is a hardcore religion, art needs to reflect this'

"I would consider the Homeless Jesus my masterpiece", says the Christian sculptor Timothy Schmalz. kath.net-interview by Petra Lorleberg

The latest 'Pope Video' seemed irritating to me

Watching the video, one can easily come to the conclusion, the pope says, that all religions are equally rightful ways of finding God and all religion have one common statement, saying: „I believe in love.“ A guest commentary by Johannes Hartl

Napier: 'Expect a strong reaffirmation of the Church’s teaching'

South African cardinal: At the Bishop´s Synod the western media "were obviously driving an agenda". By Roland Noé/kath.net

'The current crisis is a powerful opportunity for true conversion!'

Johannes Hartl, Director of the Augsburg House of Prayer [Gebetshaus Augsburg] is convinced that what we need now is “a true proclamation of the faith with public courage and a solid loyalty to the Gospel”. Interview with kath.net by Petra Lorleberg

Monsignor Ratzinger Celebrates 90th Birthday with Pope Emeritus

Monsignor Georg Ratzinger celebrated his 90th birthday Jan. 15 with his younger brother, Benedict XVI, at the pope emeritus’ “Mater Ecclesiae” residence in the Vatican. By Edward Pentin

‘We are absolutely overwhelmed and are seeing the hand of God’

The prayer-initiative “Adopt a cardinal” is stirring a spark and invites to pray for the conclave and for the personally “adopted” cardinal. KATH.NET-interview with Julia Kleinheinz. By Petra Lorleberg

Do the Swiss Bishops Support Abortion?

Some Thoughts on the Controversy between Them and the Initiative “Funding Abortion Is a Private Matter”. By Josef Seifert

‘What our world needs more than fashion models are role models’

Leah Darrow knows the dark side of the glamorous world of modeling and reality-TV. In an Interview with KATH.NET she talks about her conversion and why she criticizes our current culture. By Johannes Graf.

Pray not only for, but also with, the Holy Father...

This initiative originated among German Catholics in Rome, and is not something sponsored by Pope Benedict himself.

The power of forgiveness is definitely the most important message

“Every human life, created in the divine image, is unique and should be fought for”, says Rachel Hendrix, leading actress of “October Baby” in an interview with KATH.NET. By Johannes Graf

Electro-pop Band: 'We are Catholic…'

Young music and enthusiasm for the Pope are no contradiction: British-Philippine Band “Ooberfuse” performed in World Youth Day Madrid 2011 at an audience of millions. KATH.NET interviewed musicians of the band. By Petra Lorleberg

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