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Vitality of volunteer work is promising sign of hope (3.12.2001)

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This morning, in the Paul VI Hall, John Paul II received the 6,000 participants of the International Symposium on "Catholic Volunteer Work in Health Care,"

Vatican (kath.net/VIS)
promoted by the PontificalCouncil for Health Care Ministry, and the 30 participants of theInternational Meeting on the Pastoral Care of Gypsies.

"In a society influenced by materialism and hedonism, the vitality ofvolunteer work constitutes a promising sign of hope. The work of volunteershighlights the value of solidarity, an irreplaceable contribution forresponding to the profound expectations of the person and for resolving thegrave and urgent problems of humanity."

John Paul II affirmed that in our modern society, although institutionsexist to assist the needs of the poor and the suffering, "there is astrongly felt need for a 'soul supplement' which gives hope even to thebitter experience of suffering and uncertainty, fully respecting thedignity of every human being."

The Pope invited the volunteers, who work with volunteers of differentreligions and non-believers, to consider providential the opportunity "toput into effect interreligious and intercultural dialogue andcollaboration. The defence and the promotion of life are not, in fact,anyone's monopoly; they constitute rather a task entrusted to all."

After recalling that the "World Day of the Fight Against AIDS" iscelebrated today, the Holy Father encouraged those with this disease,saying, "Do not feel alone! The Pope is close to you with affection andsupports you in your difficult journey. The Church supports the men ofscience, and encourages all of them to work untiringly to cure and todefeat this serious form of illness."

John Paul II concluded his discourse with a brief greeting to theparticipants in the International Study Meeting of National Directors andExperts in the Pastoral Care of Gypsies, promoted by the Pontifical Councilfor the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant Peoples. The Holy Father affirmed that in devising the principles of pastoral carefor gypsies, it is necessary "to give needed attention to spiritual andcultural values," and to offer assistance in the confrontation of problems."I think, for example, of the difficulty of reciprocal comprehension withthe surrounding milieu, of the lack of adequate structures of welcome, ofeducation, and of integration in the territory."

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