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Meeting on future of Christians in Holy Land (13.12.)

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This morning in the Vatican, the Holy Father presided over a meeting on "The Future of Christians in the Holy Land," which seeks, the Pope said,...

Vatican (kath.net/VIS)
... "to reaffirm, once more, the interestand concern with which the Holy See follows the situation in the Holy Land,sharing, through a particular spiritual closeness, the drama of thosepeoples, for so long tried by acts of violence and discrimination."

"Unfortunately, we find ourselves meeting in a moment which I do nothesitate to call 'dramatic', both for the peoples who live in those dearregions, and for our brethren in the Faith, who seem crushed by the weightof two diverse extremisms which, independently from the reasons that fuelthem, are disfiguring the face of the Holy Land."

The Pope recalled that at the beginning of the Jubilee of 2000, thepatriarchs and those responsible for the Christian communities of the HolyLand launched a "message of faith, of hope, and of charity," inviting "allof those living in the Holy Land and in the entire world to live in justiceand peace. How we would have wished that this message had been promptlyheard and carried out!"

"To you, dear brothers in the episcopate in the Holy Land, belongs theimportant task of continuing to be witnesses of the presence of the love ofGod in that land and the bearers of His message in milieux of Islamic orHebrew majority."

John Paul II concluded his discourse affirming that the presence of arepresentation of various world bishops is "a testimony that, in this yourdifficult task, you are not alone: the entire Church is with you. The wholeChurch shares your concerns, supports your daily efforts, is close to thesuffering of your faithful, and, through prayer, keeps hope alive."

After the Pope's discourse, Cardinal Secretary of State Angelo Sodanoaffirmed that "our first duty is to cooperate in restoring a climate ofpeace, between Israelis and Palestinians." The work of peace, he said, "hasalways been supported, in these sad years, by the entire Church and inparticular by the Apostolic See."

The Cardinal recalled that the wounds of the Holy Land are "the fruit ofmore than 50 years of a painful tension, which dates back to the famousplan initiated by the U.N. in 1947 for the partitioning of Palestine. It isa story of tears and blood, which has always urged the supreme pontiffs ...to an intense activity to help those peoples to find a peaceful solution totheir grave problems." Under the direction of this pontifical teaching, hesaid, "diplomatic action has been thus strengthened ... to propose concretesolutions to the present conflict insisting above all on the necessity of atruce and a resuming of negotiations between the parties, unfortunatelybrusquely interrupted a year ago."

Following this, the Secretary of State focused upon the theme of themeeting: the future of Christians in the Holy Land. "Statistics tell us,"he said, "that (the number of Christians) is not many, due to the continualemigrations to which they are compelled by the difficult conditions oflife: ... 117,000 Catholics, in Israel and the Palestinian territories, outof a population of 6,100,000 inhabitants. Beyond this we know that there isa considerable presence of other Christians, especially of theGreek-Orthodox patriarchate. It is true," he continued, that "altogetherChristians make up less than 3 percent of the population. ... The majorityof Christians are of Palestinian origin and a small number are also ofHebrew origin. ... They live in a characteristic religious context and wemust examine how to help them in their dialogue with the Hebrew and Islamicworlds. Many suffer, and therefore we must consider how to concretelyassist them."

"The Holy See," he concluded, "has kept their situation well in mind inthe two noted agreements which were signed, respectively, with the State ofIsrael in 1993, and with the Palestinian Authority in 2000. ... Together wewill seek to bring our contribution of solidarity to our brethren in theHoly Land, and in particular to those so tried in Jerusalem. May they knowthat they are not alone!"

Various discourses are scheduled throughout the day-long meeting. HisBeatitude Michel Sabbah, patriarch of Jerusalem of the Latins, will speakon "The situation of Christians in the Holy Land since September 28, 2000"(the start of the second Intifada). Cardinal Francis Arinze, president ofthe Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue, will address "Dialoguebetween Islam and Christianity since September 11, 2001." ArchbishopJean-Louis Tauran, secretary for Relations with States, will discuss "Thepeace process and the status of the City of Jerusalem."

Cardinal Francois-Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan, president of the PontificalCouncil for Justice and Peace will then focus upon "The question ofrefugees," while, in conclusion, His Beatitude Cardinal Ignace Moussa IDaoud, prefect of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches, will speak on"The specific contribution of the Catholic Church."

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