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The ten commandments: First step to freedom and eternal life (26.6.)

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At 6 p.m. today there was a meeting between Pope John Paul and young people on the sprawling Sykhiv esplanade in front of the Nativity of the Mother of God Church outside of Lviv.

Theencounter, with 600,000 (AP) youth present, took the form of a Liturgy of theWord and included a homily by the Pope, the singing of that part of theAkathistos hymn which focuses on Christ, the prayer of the faithful indiverse languages and dances by young people.

The youth had gathered in early afternoon on the esplanade for songs,dances and witnessing to their faith, and the celebration lasted into theevening, long after the Holy Father's departure at 8 p.m. Before the finalpapal blessing several Polish and Ukrainian youth were recognized for theirwork in favor of reconciliation between their communities. Lviv is about 40miles (60 kilometers) from the Polish border.

"Today," the Pope declared, "Christ asks you the same question that Heasked the Apostles: 'Will you also go away?'. And you, young people ofUkraine, how do you reply? I am sure that with me you too will make yourown the words of Peter: 'Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words ofeternal life'."

"Yes, dear young people," he emphasized, "Christ has the 'words ofeternal life'. His words last for ever and above all they open for us thegates of eternal life. When God speaks, His words give life, they callthings into existence, they direct our journey, they restore disappointedand broken hearts and pour fresh hope into them."

The Holy Father then turned his focus to the Ten Commandments, sayingthey "have permanent value, because they are the fundamental law ofhumanity, written in the conscience of every person. They are the firststep to freedom and eternal life. ... In today's world we see profound andrapid social changes and many moral points of reference have become shaky,throwing people into confusion and sometimes despair. The Decalogue is likea compass in a stormy sea which enables us to keep on course and reachland. This is why today I wish to present the commandments of theDecalogue to you anew, young people of Ukraine, in a symbolic way, so thatthey will be your 'compass', the solid point of reference for building yourpresent and your future."

"'You shall love the Lord your God'. We must give God the first place inour lives. For this reason the first three commandments are concerned withour relationship with Him. ... The pressure is strong today to replace thetrue God with false gods and deceptive aims. Material things are today'sidols. If they are sought and used as means and instruments of good, theyare a help to us. However, they should never occupy the first place inman's heart, even less in the heart of young people, who are called to flyhigh, towards the most beautiful and most noble ideals!"

The Holy Father explained that "the other seven commandments refer to ourrelations with our neighbors. They show us the path which enables us toestablish relationships with other human beings marked by respect and love,based on truth and justice.Those who put this divine law into practiceoften find themselves going against the current. Young people of Ukraine,Christ asks you to go against the current! He asks you to be defenders ofHis law and to put it into practice in proper behaviour in daily life."

"Your country is going through a difficult and complex transition fromthe totalitarian regime which oppressed it for so many years to a societyat last free and democratic. Freedom however needs strong, responsible andmature consciences. Freedom is demanding, and in a sense is more costlythan slavery!

"For this reason, as I embrace you like a father, I say to you: choosethe narrow path that the Lord is showing you through His commandments. Theyare words of truth and life. The path that often seems wide and easy latershows itself to be deceptive and false. Do not go from the slavery of thecommunist regime to the slavery of consumerism, another form of materialismwhich, without explicitly rejecting God, actually does deny Him byexcluding Him from life."

"Without God you will not be able to do anything good. With His help,however, you will be able to face all the challenges of the present moment.You will succeed in making demanding decisions, against the current, as forexample the decision to stay confidently in your own country, withoutgiving in to the illusions of an easy life abroad. You are needed here,young people."

Pope John Paul concluded: "Before leaving you, I wish to add a finalword: love the Church! She is your family and the spiritual building ofwhich you are called to be the living stones."

At a certain point of the encounter with young people, with the rainbecoming more persistent, the Holy Father had to leave the stage for about20 minutes to change his rain-soaked clothes. Upon his return, hespontaneously broke into song, singing a Polish tune about rain, andimprovising afterwards that "rain makes children grow." Reacting to theenthusiastic response of the young people, he then sang another Polishmelody about the sun.

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