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Public canoncial admonition issued to Archbishop Milingo

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Following is the complete text of the Notification regarding Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo which was issued today by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

Vatican (kath.net/VIS)
Dated July 16, 2001, itwas signed by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, prefect, and Archbishop TarcisioBertone, S.D.B., secretary.

"The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, after mature reflectionand by mandate of the Supreme Pontiff, and fulfilling its responsibilityfor protecting faith and morals in the life of the Church, finds itselfobliged to proceed in accordance with Canon 1347, para 1 of the Code ofCanon Law in order to protect the faithful from the serious harm caused bythe recent behavior of the Most Reverend Emmanuel Milingo, archbishopemeritus of Lusaka.

"The said congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith:

"1. noting the grave public conduct and statements where the archbishop hasattempted an asserted 'matrimonial union' with the Korean Maria Sung, hasadhered to the sect of the Reverend Sun Myung Moon called the FamilyFederation for World Peace and Unification, and has failed in communionwith the Successor of Peter and the College of Bishops;

"2. having verified the impossibility of communicating with ArchbishopMilingo in order to invite him to reflect on the grave consequences of hisconduct and actions, to make amends for the scandal given and to reform;

"3. communicates to Archbishop Milingo, in accordance with theabove-mentioned Canon 1347, para 1 of the Code of Canon Law, the followingpublic canonical admonition:

"a. to separate from Maria Sung;
"b. to sever all links with the sect, Family Federation for World Peaceand Unification;
"c. to declare publicly his fidelity to the doctrine and ecclesiasticaldiscipline of celibacy and to manifest his obedience to the Supreme Pontiffby a clear and unequivocal act.

"Should Archbishop Milingo not formally act by August 20, 2001 to fulfillwhat is hereby required of him, excommunication reserved to the Holy Seewill be imposed.

"The Church, obliged as she is to proceed to this painful action for thegood of the faithful, does not cease to pray to the Lord, the GoodShepherd, for the desired return of the Archbishop to the embrace of theChurch and the common Father."

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